Simsalagrimm is a German animated children's television hit-series, consisting of stories based on fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm and the only media franchise approved by the Association of the Brothers Grimm.
1999 - 2010 • TV-Series • 2D Animation • 52 x 24'
Germany‘s no. 1 TV-export, known in more than 120 territories around the globe.
Each episode of the animated series holds a classic story from the collections by the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen and many other classical fairy tale authors. Some stories were inspired by the tales in the collection One Thousand and One Nights.
In each episode of the series, one of the famous classical fairy tales is told in the magical land of Simsala. The local characters Yoyo and Doc Croc move between the storyteller and the episode cast, which they tend to help or at least inspire. Each episode begins with Yoyo and Doc Croc as toys on a shelf brought to life by a magical book.
The work on Simsalagrimm was my very first job as a set designer and, after the job as layout artist for the Werner 3Feature film, only my second job in animated film.
So a big thank you goes to Gerd Hahn, who gave me the chance to be part of the team, to all my colleagues at HAHN-FILM who helped me get started and especially to Julian Goethe, who was in charge of the set design and from whom I learned an incredible amount.
So a big thank you goes to Gerd Hahn, who gave me the chance to be part of the team, to all my colleagues at HAHN-FILM who helped me get started and especially to Julian Goethe, who was in charge of the set design and from whom I learned an incredible amount.