Mia and me - is a television series based on an idea by Gerhard Hahn. The series was shot as a combination of live-action film and CGI animation. With the help of the two styles, two worlds are distinguished and connected in the series. The real world of Mia (season 1 & 2 played by Rosabell Laurenti Sellers) and the world of unicorns and elves.
Many elements, such as buildings and robes, but also decorative elements in the unicorns' manes, are inspired by Art Nouveau. Motifs by the painter Gustav Klimt can be found on the robes of the figures.
16.1.2023 ZDF/KIKA · 26 episodes à 24 Min.
16.1.2023 ZDF/KIKA · 26 episodes à 24 Min.
Mia and Me Awards
„Beste Animationsserie für Kinder“, Trickfilmfestival Stuttgart, 2012
„Kids Award in 3 x Gold und 3 x Platin für MIA AND ME Hörspiel“, 2016
„Beste Animationsserie für Kinder“, Trickfilmfestival Stuttgart, 2012
„Kids Award in 3 x Gold und 3 x Platin für MIA AND ME Hörspiel“, 2016
Centopia is facing a serious threat: former parts of the original continent are approaching and Dystopia, the home of Lord Drakon and his dark elves, has also been set in motion! A race against time begins as Mia and her friends set out in search of the rare ingredients for the antidote: The Potion of Unity.
All former continents are individual islands that are completely different from each other in terms of their landscape. A tropical island, a fire island with lava and volcanoes and, of course, Dystopia. A dark and gloomy island with towering black pipes and green, poisonous smoke that spreads everywhere.